
Hadn’t had the Oskar Blues Ten Fidy until this afternoon. In the interest of transparency I’m writing this under duress. Well, the 12.9% ABV duress caused by the Barrel Aged Imperial Stout monster that is Ten Fidy. What’s the old Lay’s slogan, “betcha can’t eat just one?” I’m betting you can’t drink more than one of these dark chocolaty boozy bad boys even if you may think you want too.

I don’t mean to over share, but I’ve had a beer or two in my life and Ten Fidy pretty much kicked my ass. So much so that I’d most def drink another some afternoon. Is WOWZERS overselling? Check out this warlock on beeradvocate.com “I highly suggest you acquire one if you have the means.” Yep, that’s a Ferris Bueller quote.

My video skills are not up to par but at least my little Ten Fidy video is short so have a look. I’m working on being better looking and having hair for future videos. We’ll see how that goes because the budget is very limited here. My daughter Malone asked for a production credit but not a writing credit (because I ad libbed the whole thing) but for what is in focus, thanks to Malone and anything that’s poorly lit or bad in any way…well, per usual that’s me. Oh, please excuse any typos because that ten Fidy diminished my already weak spelling skills.

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