Traveling just IS NOT fun

Traveling just IS NOT fun. Maybe I should clarify. Visiting fun and exciting new places can be an great adventure but the getting there IS NOT so great. 

My alarm went off at three fifty this morning.  A short flight down to Atlanta was followed by a four plus hour flight to Seattle where we were delayed. The silver lining was the delay allowed me to grab a quick beer at the airport bar. 

I always ask for local first and Seattle’s Trickster Brewing Company’s Juice Box IPA was a nice slightly citrusy brew that was flavorful but wasn’t too hop forward. 

I’d be willing to suffer more traveling misery so I could spend a few days exploring The Emerald City and tasting her beers. 

Enough about one beer in an airport bar. I’m off to Maui and glad it’s not a six hour flight. It’s five hours and forty four minutes. If I see anything good I’ll let you know.